Useful Information
Information Books for Families
- When you have enrolled your child you will have access, through Educa, to our “Preschool Information Book” which is updated each year. The book includes topics such as “what to bring to preschool’, ‘what to wear to preschool’, ‘FAQ’s’, ‘money matters’, ‘what to do if you child is sick’ and much more. A ‘must read’ prior to your child starting at preschool.
- “A Day at Preschool” is a book written for your child which outlines a ‘typical’ preschool day, from arriving and unpacking their bag to morning tea, playing, getting ready for lunch through to home time. When children visit prior to commencing at preschool (part of our orientation process) children are given a copy to take home. The book is also available online in ‘Educa’.