The Preschool Programme
As Early Childhood professionals we are passionate about providing a programme that challenges, inspires and meets the interests and developmental needs of the children, whilst at the same time meeting the expectations of families, the community, the regulatory and quality standards required.
Our programme is both child centered and teacher directed but at the core it is a programme that is based on play.
We aim to have a programme that reflects and respects that children are:
- active contributors to their own and others learning
- social beings
- individuals with a variety of learning styles and intelligences
- capable of forming opinions and have a right to express ideas and preferences.
The foundation of our programme is the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) www.deewr.gov.au/earlychildhood
The EYLF is a National Learning framework that has been developed to ensure that your child receives a high quality programme in their early childhood service. The EYLF’s vision is for all children to experience play-based learning that is engaging and builds success for life within the principles of “Belonging, Being and Belonging”.
St. Stephen’s is part of a wider community where your children live. Parents and family are the most important people in young children’s lives in the early years and have the most significant impact in their learning. Therefore, at St. Stephen’s the children, families and staff are in a relationship where we work together to provide a programme of experiences and interactions that enriches the lives of the children. This collaboration, the development of positive relationships and enriched experiences allows children, parents and professionals to truly
- see and hear
- be open to and accepting of change
- be confident to take risks
- meet challenges
We focus on what children can do and are capable of and use these capabilities to build upon and lead to further development.
“We believe that “Early Childhood is the foundation on which children build the rest of their lives. But it is not a preparation for adolescence and adulthood: it has an importance in itself.”
Ball (1994).
At St. Stephen’s we see children as social beings and believe that we need to nurture within them positive attitudes towards others and the ability to show respect and care for others and the world around them. In short we assist the children to develop a sense of human responsibility for self, others and the environment.
In line with the five learning goals of the EYLF we aim to assist your child to develop;
- a strong sense of identity
- connections with their world
- a strong sense of wellbeing
- confidence and involvement in their learning
- effective communication skills.