A day at Preschool
The day is structured so that children choose where to begin their day; inside or outside, building their own routine in transitioning from home to preschool. After ‘morning meeting’ – where we talk about the day ahead, each group has time inside and outside.
On offer each day is a variety of creative and aesthetic experiences, construction, puzzles, dramatic play, books, manipulative/fine motor and active play experiences and a variety of gross motor experiences. Games and other experiences that enhance and develop cognition, thinking, reasoning, team work and problem-solving skills are planned daily as well.
At all times our team are on hand to facilitate, encourage and guide the children so that they gain the most out of their Preschool experience and work towards independence and the development of a strong self identity.
“A day at preschool” is a book written for your child which outlines a ‘typical’ preschool day, from arriving and unpacking their bag to morning tea, playing, getting ready for lunch through to home time. When children visit prior to commencing at preschool (part of our orientation process) children are given a copy to take home. The book is also available online in ‘Educa’.